Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Belated Mommy Thought Monday

Hey all! Hope you weren't wondering where I was yesterday. I apologize ... I know I know how can I expect you to tune in regularly if I don't hold up on my end of the bargain and post regularly. Well have no fear I haven't dropped off the face of the planet. Let's just say that yesterday the Third trimester of pregnancy decided to hit me with full force ... guess I over did it over the weekend and needed some rest. I really should learn to accept the fact that my precious little munchkin will be here before I know it so I can't be super woman right now. 

But you do get supper mommy powers when they are born right?


Anyways on to my Mommy thought for the week:

Lately the Husband and I have been talking a lot about our family finances ... after all our lives are about to change forever and we can't wait. The whole to be or not to be a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM) debate has been in full swing since  we found out we were expecting. I have been searching and searching Mommy Blogs for how others make it work. And just this week while reading Jamie Jabberish (love her blog) I came across this great post of hers. She talks all about the steps her family took so she could be a SHAM. So if you are in the same shoes as my family you might want to take a look at her post Steps to a One Income Family. Of course keeping in mind that every family situation is different and there is no right or wrong answer in this debate it is a very personal decision.


  1. Following you
    Life As Supermom (o:


  2. I think you already are a Supermom! Never fear, everything will work out and you will get to be a stay at home mom!!
